It is our desire that every adult connected to Cornerstone Church lives in relationship to God as a disciple to Jesus Christ. We describe this life of discipleship as one of an apprenticeship where individually and as a church family we:
Follow Jesus and Learn From Jesus in order to increasingly Live Like Jesus
Follow Jesus: We invite the adults of Cornerstone Church to immerse ourselves in the Gospel (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) accounts of Jesus’ life, paying attention to his words and actions.
Learn From Jesus: Asking for the Spirit’s help, we seek to learn from Jesus who God is (and is not), who we are, and what is the best way for us to live our lives in our communities.
Live Like Jesus: As we do this individually and in community, our hearts, minds, and bodies will be transformed over time so we will increasingly live in the character of Jesus, glorifying our Father as we bear the fruit of love.
Cornerstone offers discipleship opportunities in many forms: Ongoing Small Groups, Life Groups, Men’s and Women’s Bible and Book Studies, and ROOTED Groups. We encourage you to find one or more that you might join to help you as you seek to Follow Jesus, Learn From Jesus, in order to increasingly Live Like Jesus. Click below to learn more about specific growth opportunities.
If you have any questions, please contact Melissa Goodman at