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Wednesday Women's Prayer Study
Join us on a journey to learn the transformative power of a life built on prayer on Wednesdays at 10 am or 1:15 pm starting January 8. We’ll read through the book “Pray First” together to learn:
The five Ps of making prayer work
The models of prayer found in the Bible
How to incorporate fasting into your life
Become better equipped to pray! The study will run through the end of March. Books are available for $10; scholarships are available. Please contact the church office for more info or to sign up.
Discovery Meeting
If you are newer to Cornerstone or just want to get more connected, Pastor Tim is holding a Discovery Meeting on Sunday, February 2, right after the 10:00 am worship service. Come and learn more about Cornerstone and ask questions you have about the church and our ministries. The meeting will last about 30-45 minutes.
Discipleship Equipping Night
On Monday, February 3 at 6:30 pm join us at Cornerstone for an adult discipleship Equipping Night. ALL existing and new small groups and Bible studies are invited to this event. We will share in dinner, fellowship, and a discipleship tool for all small groups that will equip us more to love our neighbors. Please RSVP on the QR code or to the church office if you plan to attend.
Women's Valentines Bunco Party
All women are invited to join us at Cornerstone for a fun and festive time at our Valentine themed Bunco Party on Friday, February 7 at 6:30 pm. Please RSVP to the church office if you plan to attend.